Michelle Hodkin The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

I have never read The Joy of Crap. Sounds disgusting. I have, however, read The Joy of Sex. Not in a while, but I think it’s one of those classics you can come back to again… and again.

Michelle Hodkin The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer

You can’t hurt me the way you think you can. But even if you could? I would rather die with the taste of you on my tongue than live and never touch you again. I’m in love with you, Mara. I love you. No matter what you do.

Michelle Hodkin The Retribution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Retribution of Mara Dyer

Everyone’s a little crazy. Some people just hide it better than others.

Michelle Hodkin The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

Have you made any other friends since we’ve been here?”I gave him the death stare. “Yes, actually.””Who? I want a name.””Jamie Roth.””The Ebola kid? I heard he’s a little unstable.””That was one incident.

Michelle Hodkin The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

Noah shifted on the bed, and the oddest crunching sound came underneath him. I looked, really looked, at the bed for the first time.”What,” I asked slowly, as I eyed the animal crackers strewn all over it, “the hell?””You were convinced they were your pets,” Noah said, not even trying to suppress his laughter. “You wouldn’t let me touch them.

Michelle Hodkin The Retribution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Retribution of Mara Dyer

I planted a kamikaze kiss on Jamie’s cheek.“FUCK,” he shouted, wiping it off. “What if you killed me!” He threw a Skittle at my face. It hit my forehead.“Ow!”“Taste the rainbow bitch.

Michelle Hodkin The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

What would you do if I kissed you right now?”I stared at his beautiful face and his beautiful mouth and I wanted nothing more than to taste it. “I would kiss you back.

Michelle Hodkin The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

In my rush, I hadn’t tied my shoelaces. Noah was now tying them for me. He looked up at me through his dark fringe of lashes and smiled. The expression on his face melted me completely. I knew I had the goofiest grin plastered on my lips, and didn’t care. “There,” he said as he finished tying the laces on my left shoe. “Now you won’t fall.”Too late.

Michelle Hodkin The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Two seconds later, the sound of an alarm filled my ears. ”What did you do?” I said over the noise as he backed up towards the bathroom door. ”The girl who gave you the note?””Yes…””I caught her staring at my lighter.”I blinked. ”You gave a child, in a psych ward , a lighter?”His eyes crinkled at the corners. ”She seemed trustworthy.””You’re sick,” I said, but smiled.”Hey, nobody’s perfect. ” Noah smiled back.

Michelle Hodkin The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

You smell good,” he whispered into my neck. He was warm against me. Instinctively, I arched back into him and smiled. “Really?” “Mmm-hmm. Delicious. Like bacon.

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