Michelle Hodkin The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer

You can’t hurt me the way you think you can. But even if you could? I would rather die with the taste of you on my tongue than live and never touch you again. I’m in love with you, Mara. I love you. No matter what you do.

Michelle Hodkin The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Two seconds later, the sound of an alarm filled my ears. ”What did you do?” I said over the noise as he backed up towards the bathroom door. ”The girl who gave you the note?””Yes…””I caught her staring at my lighter.”I blinked. ”You gave a child, in a psych ward , a lighter?”His eyes crinkled at the corners. ”She seemed trustworthy.””You’re sick,” I said, but smiled.”Hey, nobody’s perfect. ” Noah smiled back.

Michelle Hodkin The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer

There is no truth,” Stephanie said mysterously. “Only perspectives.

Michelle Hodkin The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer

It doesn’t matter what we are. It matters what we do.

Michelle Hodkin The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer

You like them,” I realized.Noah’s eyebrows lifted in question.”Like as people.””As opposed to…furniture?””They’re my PARENTS.””That is my understanding, yes.

Michelle Hodkin The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer

If I were to live a thousand years, I would belong to you for all of them. If we were to live a thousand lives, I would want to make you mine in each one.

Michelle Hodkin The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer

I want YOU to be the one wanting me first. Pushing me first. Kissing me first. Don’t be careful with me,” he said. “Because I won’t be careful with you.

Michelle Hodkin The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Everyone is a little crazy. The only difference between us and them is that they hide it better.

Michelle Hodkin The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Quote from Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer

I wish we could make out in your bed.”Noah sighed. “As do I, but I’m afraid we have ritual burning to conduct.””It’s always something.””Isn’t it though?

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