humor Stephen Sommers

Stephen Sommers | humor

The best scary movies have great humor in them and a great story.

humor Tom Walsh

Tom Walsh | humor

Humor results when society says you can’t scratch certain things in public, but they itch in public.

humor Mel Karmazin

Mel Karmazin | humor

You may not like the humor, but that is why every radio has an on-off button.


Bobby Clarke | humor

We take the shortest route to the puck and arrive in ill humor.


Will Eisner | humor

Humor has historically been tied to the mores of the day. The Yellow Kid was predicated on what people thought was funny about the immigrant Irish. When you’re different in a society, you’re funny.


John Callahan | humor

This is a feminist bookstore. There is no humor section.

humor Peter Segal

Peter Segal | humor

I think superheroes are heroes with flaws, and in their flaws, there is a sense of humor.

humor Mary Kay Blakely

Mary Kay Blakely | humor

Our humor turns our anger into a fine art.


Adam Clymer | humor

Democratic politicians have disliked things I’ve written, Republican politicians… if they all love you, you might as well be driving a Good Humor truck.

humor Patricia Arquette

Patricia Arquette | humor

I liked the premise of this material. I love the marriage relationship. They kind of keep each other honest, and they enjoy each other’s sense of humor. Kind of a sexy but boring relationship.

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