The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration Vera Nazarian

Quote from Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Sometimes I think that wisdoms slip from my mind like drool from the lips of an idiot…Where’s all this stuff coming from? Is it any good? Any good in, you know, the wisdom sense? Who am I to spout this stuff anyway?Well, here’s the thing. You too can find yourself shedding wisdom like cat hair if you only allow yourself the liberty of introspection.Think about what you alone know that no one else does. That one neat wonderful profound insight. It is fully yours. No one else on this planet of about six billion people understands it like you do.Now, see if you can share it with someone. Bestow it, a gift of yourself.Wisdom is like gossip. Except it’s the good kind.

Quote from Jeffrey Fry

True happiness comes when you give your best in something beyond yourself.

The Sun Watches the Sun

Quote from Dejan Stojanovic, The Sun Watches the Sun

Even if you are alone you wage war with yourself.

Quote from J. Cornell Michel, Jordan’s Brains: A Zombie Evolution

I like living in my head because in there, everyone is kind and innocent. Once you start integrating yourself into the world, you realize that people are nasty, mean creatures. They’re worse than zombies. People try to crush your soul and destroy your happiness, but zombies just want to have a little nibble of your brain.

Note to Self

Quote from Connor Franta, Note to Self

confront your greatest fearsvoice your biggest problemsacknowledge your tiniest issuesthe longer you stay silentthe louder they becomethey won’t disappear if you ignore themthey will spread and affect all aspects of your life

Dr. Seuss

Quote from Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You!

Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.

Quote from Hannah Hart

Nobody is wired wrong, because there’s no wrong and right in the way we are.

Quote from Hopal Green

Look into yourself, Think about what you will need in the long run and not what you think you want now. #wisdom!

Nothing is here...

Quote from Will Advise, Nothing is here…

The way to be invisible – is to truly be imaginary. But since you cannot imagine yourself, you have to clone your imagination into being an image of yourself. Imagine that.

Jennifer Aniston

Quote from Jennifer Aniston

Once you figure out who you are and what you love about yourself, I think it all kind of falls into place.

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