Michael Bassey Johnson

Quote from Michael Bassey Johnson

A virtuos woman is not moved by big names and flamboyance, but only men of profound wisdom and integrity move her.

The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration Vera Nazarian

Quote from Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Most of us have nicknames—annoying, endearing, embarrassing.But what about your true name? to respond when called.Ever wonder why?.

Confucius The Analects of Confucius

Quote from Confucius, The Analects of Confucius

If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things.

Neil Gaiman

Quote from Neil Gaiman, Coraline

Now you people have names. That’s because you don’t know who you are. We know who we are, so we don’t need names.

Walpola Rahula

Quote from Walpola Rahula, What the Buddha Taught: Revised and Expanded Edition with Texts from Suttas and Dhammapada

The question has often been asked; Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy? It does not matter what you call it. Buddhism remains what it is whatever label you may put on it. The label is immaterial. Even the label ‘Buddhism’ which we give to the teachings of the Buddha is of little importance. The name one gives is inessential…. In the same way Truth needs no label: it is neither Buddhist, Christian, Hindu nor Moslem. It is not the monopoly of anybody. Sectarian labels are a hindrance to the independent understanding of Truth, and they produce harmful prejudices in men’s minds.

Rick Riordan The Red Pyramid

Quote from Rick Riordan, The Red Pyramid

You know how hard it is to feel like an extreme falcon-headed combat machine when somebody calls you “chicken man”?

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