The Conspiracy Against the Human Race Thomas Ligotti

Quote from Thomas Ligotti, The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

So they trust in the deity of the Old Testament, an incontinent dotard who soiled Himself and the universe with his corruption, a low-budget divinity passing itself off as the genuine article. (Ask the Gnostics.) They trust in Jesus Christ, a historical cipher stitched together like Frankenstein’s monster out of parts robbed from the graves of messiahs dead and buried – a savior on a stick. They trust in the virgin-pimping Allah and his Drum Major Mohammed, a prophet-come-lately who pioneered a new genus of humbuggery for an emerging market of believers that was not being adequately served by existing religious products. They trust in anything that authenticates their importance as persons, tribes, societies, and particularly as a species that will endure in this world and perhaps in an afterworld that may be uncertain in its reality and unclear in its layout, but which states their craving for values “not of this earth” – that depressing, meaningless place their consciousness must sidestep every day.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana The Use and Misuse of Children

Quote from Mokokoma Mokhonoana, The Use and Misuse of Children

It goes without saying that even those of us who are going to hell will get eternal life—if that territory really exists outside religious books and the minds of believers, that is. Having said that, given the choice, instead of being grilled until hell freezes over, the average sane human being would, needless to say, rather spend forever idling in an extremely fertile garden, next to a lamb or a chicken or a parrot, which they do not secretly want to eat, and a lion or a tiger or a crocodile, which does not secretly want to eat them.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana The Use and Misuse of Children

Quote from Mokokoma Mokhonoana, The Use and Misuse of Children

To some believers, being on the pill or using a condom is a nonverbal way of telling God to go to hell.

Napz Cherub Pellazo

Quote from Napz Cherub Pellazo

Focus on your portal, trust the process, don’t get so involved in the desires or beliefs of others that cause you confusion and compromise your own alignment. – – The universe loves a believer!

Quote from Carl R White

Belief is a wonderful way to pass the time until the facts come in.

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