Richelle Mead Shadow Kiss

Quote from Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

When we were almost to the other campus, I felt the weird nausea hit me. I called a warning to Christian, just as a Strigoi grabbed him. But Christian was fast. Flames wreathed the Strigoi’s head. He screamed and released Christian, trying frantically to put the flames out. The Strigoi never saw me coming with the stake. The whole thing took under a minute. Christian and I exchanged looks.Yeah. We were badasses.

Richelle Mead Shadow Kiss

Quote from Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

You can’t save everyone, though God knows you try.

Richelle Mead Shadow Kiss

Quote from Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

You did not just say that. I have a feeling we’re on the verge of hugging and coming up with cute nicknames for each other.

Richelle Mead Shadow Kiss

Quote from Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

Wait. You think I’m going to die? That’s why you slept with me?

Richelle Mead Shadow Kiss

Quote from Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

Vladimir did great things—so could she. Besides, they come first, right?””Not always.”I stared. I’d had they come first drilled into me since I was a child. It was what all guardians believed. Only the dhampirs who’d run away from their duty didn’t subscribe to that. What he said was almost like treason.”Sometimes, Rose, you have to know when to put yourself first.

Richelle Mead Shadow Kiss

Quote from Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

He sighed and then focused his eyes right on me. It was like drowning, drowning in seas of green. There was nothing in the world except for those eyes.”I want to kiss you, Rose,” he said softly. “And I want you to want me too.

Richelle Mead Shadow Kiss

Quote from Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

Are you sleepwalking?’ A voice asked behind me. “I was testing dorm security,” I said. “It sucks.

Richelle Mead Shadow Kiss

Quote from Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

It’s okay,” I said soothingly. “You’re just getting your stride back. Once you’re up to full power, I’ll go crack a rib or something so we can test it.”She groaned. “The horrible part is that I don’t think you’re joking.

Richelle Mead Shadow Kiss

Quote from Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

If you want some advice—which I’m sure you don’t—you guys should lay off on the magic. Christian still thinks you’re moving in on Lissa.””What?” he asked in mock astonishment. “Doesn’t he know my heart belongs to you?””It does not. And no, he’s still worried about it, despite what I’ve told him.””You know, I bet if we started making out right now, it would make him feel better.””If you touch me,” I said pleasantly, “I’ll provide you with the opportunity to see if you can heal yourself. Then we’d see how badass you really are.

Richelle Mead Shadow Kiss

Quote from Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

What’s up?” I asked.You tell me,” he said. “You were the one about ready to start making out with Adrian.”It was an experiment,” I said. “It was part of my therapy.”What the hell kind of therapy are you in?

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