Lorna Luft Mom

Lorna Luft | mom

Sinatra was just one of Mom’s friends.

humor Lorna Luft

Lorna Luft | humor

People come up to me as I leave the stage after a performance and tell me tey saw my mother onstage with me every time I sing. I keep a sense of humor about it.

health Lorna Luft

Lorna Luft | health

I have a healthy body, free of the chemicals that once controlled it.

Death Lorna Luft

Lorna Luft | death

Instead of joyfully looking forward to my birth, my mother began systematically preparing for her own death. She was fatalistic.

dating Lorna Luft

Lorna Luft | dating

Dodi got a lot of criticism when he began dating Princess Diana. No one seemed to think he was good enough for her.

alone Lorna Luft

Quote from Lorna Luft | alone


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