
Frank Dobson | health

Smoking is the now the principal avoidable cause of premature death in Britain. It hits the worst off people hardest of all. Smoking is one of the principal causes of the health gap which leads to poorer people being ill more often and dying sooner.

health Pierre Dukan

Pierre Dukan | health

It’s been proven that fitting more activity into your day can greatly improve your health.

health Roger Wicker

Roger Wicker | health

Illegal immigration is not just a matter of interest in states along our border with Mexico. It is having an effect on local economies, schools, health care delivery, and public safety all across the country.

health Lucille Roybal-Allard

Lucille Roybal-Allard | health

Mr. Speaker, our Nation must no longer be complacent about underage drinking and its alarming consequences. We must bring this national public health crisis out of the shadow and into the bright light of a national priority.

health Steven Rattner

Steven Rattner | health

Increased revenues, meaning higher taxes, will be a central element of any successful long-term budget plan, and President Obama is right to insist that the wealthy – the slice of America that has come through the recession in by far the best financial health – should provide those funds.

health Steven Rattner

Steven Rattner | health

The highest-income Americans don’t need tax-free health insurance, mortgage interest deductions or deferred taxation on retirement funds.

health Scott Rigell

Scott Rigell | health

I’ve declined every congressional benefit I could decline, federal health insurance, the retirement program, the 403(b) program, which I think is overly generous. I’ve got self-imposed term limits of six terms if I have the privilege to serve that long.

health Miranda Kerr

Miranda Kerr | health

Yoga is at the core of my health and wellness routine even if it’s only for 10 to 15 minutes I find it helps me to re-center and to focus as well as improve my overall core strength.

health Steve Kerr

Steve Kerr | health

I learned that people everywhere are basically the same and have similar goals that we do. They want health and happiness and the opportunity to provide for their families.


Franklin Raines | health

Well, there are about 10 million children that aren’t covered by health insurance. About 3 million qualify for Medicaid but don’t get it, so we’re going to reach out and bring more of those kids into the Medicaid program.

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