Quote from Dora J. Arod, I Had a Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You were an escalator, and I was a flight of stairs. You thought I was a Luddite, and I thought I was as ostrich, because I hadn’t figured out how to put the fly in flight. One day you broke down, and then you saw that you and I weren’t so different after all.

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Quote from Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading

I know I’m not going to be in your head all the time. But once you know me, I’ll be forever in your heart. 

Quote from Dora J. Arod, Love quotes for the ages. And the ageless sages.

My love is pizza shaped. Won’t you have a slice? It’s circular, so there’s enough to go around.

Quote from Dark Jar Tin Zoo, I Had a Dream About You

I had a dream about you. We installed Dr. Robert Jarvik’s artificial heart in a mannequin and brought it to life, only to later kill it because a creature that’s all fake heart and no brain is what’s commonly called a “politician,” and must be destroyed.

Quote from Dark Jar Tin Zoo, Love Quotes for the Ages. Specifically Ages 19-91.

If you have the woman you love, what more do you need? Well, besides an alibi for the time of her husband’s murder.

Quote from Crystal Woods, Dreaming is for lovers

I had a dream about you last night. I was alone on a dark night and you came to me as a firefly. I knew it was you because you were the brightest.

Tsa approved travel accessories. Street food delicacies. Well, the good news is that yes it certainly is possible to make your ex love.