Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift | change

I think the tiniest little thing can change the course of your day, which can change the course of your year, which can change who you are.

business Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift | business

The business aspect is one of the most important things about having a music career, because every choice you make in a management meeting affects your life a year-and-a-half from now.

business Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift | business

In this business you have to develop a thick skin, but I’m always going to feel everything. It’s my nature.

Taylor Swift

Quote from Taylor Swift

If you’re horrible to me, I’m going to write a song about it, and you won’t like it. That’s how I operate.

Taylor Swift

Quote from Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift

We should love, not fall in love, because everything that falls, gets broken.

Taylor Swift Taylor Swift: Speak Now

Quote from Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift: Speak Now

It’s alright, just wait and see, your string of lights is still bright to me. Who you are is not where you’ve been. You’re still an innocent. It’s okay life is a tough crowd, 32 is still growing up now.

Taylor Swift

Quote from Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift

I’ve apparently been the victim of growing up, which apparently happens to all of us at one point or another. It’s been going on for quite some time now, without me knowing it. I’ve found that growing up can mean a lot of things. For me, it doesn’t mean I should become somebody completely new and stop loving the things I used to love. It means I’ve just added more things to my list. Like for example, I’m still beyond obsessed with the winter season and I still start putting up strings of lights in September. I still love sparkles and grocery shopping and really old cats that are only nice to you half the time. I still love writing in my journal and wearing dresses all the time and staring at chandeliers. But some new things I’ve fallen in love with — mismatched everything. Mismatched chairs, mismatched colors, mismatched personalities. I love spraying perfumes I used to wear when I was in high school. It brings me back to the days of trying to get a close parking spot at school, trying to get noticed by soccer players, and trying to figure out how to avoid doing or saying anything uncool, and wishing every minute of every day that one day maybe I’d get a chance to win a Grammy. Or something crazy and out of reach like that. 😉 I love old buildings with the paint chipping off the walls and my dad’s stories about college. I love the freedom of living alone, but I also love things that make me feel seven again. Back then naivety was the norm and skepticism was a foreign language, and I just think every once in a while you need fries and a chocolate milkshake and your mom. I love picking up a cookbook and closing my eyes and opening it to a random page, then attempting to make that recipe. I’ve loved my fans from the very first day, but they’ve said things and done things recently that make me feel like they’re my friends — more now than ever before. I’ll never go a day without thinking about our memories together.

Taylor Swift

Quote from Taylor Swift

I write a lot of songs about love and I think that’s because to me love seems like this huge complicated thing. But it seems like every once in a while, two people get it figured out, two people get it right. And so I think the rest of us, we walk around daydreaming about what that might be like. To find that one great love, where all of a sudden everything that seemed to be so complicated, became simple. And everything that used to seem so wrong all of a sudden seemed right because you were with the person who made you feel fearless.

Taylor Swift Taylor Swift: Speak Now

Quote from Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift: Speak Now

I don’t think you should wait. I think you should speak now.

Taylor Swift

Quote from Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift

The way you walk, way you talk, way you say my name; it’s beautiful, wonderful, don’t you ever change.

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