Stephenie Meyer Twilight

Quote from Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever.

Stephenie Meyer Twilight

Quote from Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved.

Stephenie Meyer Twilight

Quote from Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

Death is Peaceful, Life is Harder

Stephenie Meyer Twilight

Quote from Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

You are my life now.

New Moon Stephenie Meyer

Quote from Stephenie Meyer, New Moon

Sometimes you have to learn to love what’s good for you.

New Moon Stephenie Meyer

Quote from Stephenie Meyer, New Moon

Only you could be more important than what I wanted…what I needed. What I want and what I need is to be with you, and I know I’ll never be strong enough to leave again.

Stephenie Meyer

Quote from Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

Look after my heart – I’ve left it with you.

Stephenie Meyer

Quote from Stephenie Meyer, Breaking Dawn

Life sucks, and then you die…

Stephenie Meyer

Quote from Stephenie Meyer, Breaking Dawn

I know – I’ll play you for it,” Alice suggested. “Rock, paper, scissors.”Jasper chuckled and Edward sighed.”Why don’t you just tell me who wins?” Edward said wryly.Alice beamed. “I do. Excellent.

Stephenie Meyer Twilight

Quote from Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…” he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word.”What a stupid lamb,” I sighed.”What a sick, masochistic lion.

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