Leviathan Scott Westerfeld

Quote from Scott Westerfeld, Leviathan

And a special thanks for not burning up the whole ship. Including yourself, you daft bum-rag.

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Quote from Avi, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

A sailor chooses the wind that takes the ship from a safe port. Ah, yes, but once you’re abroad, as you have seen, winds have a mind of their own. Be careful, Charlotte, careful of the wind you choose.

Sin mirar atrás

Quote from Audrey Dry, Sin mirar atrás

La memoria es como libro en el cual se escribe toda nuestra vida. Algunas veces deseamos cerrarlo y olvidarlo para no recordar todos los escabrosos detalles, y otras veces deseamos abrirlo y observarlo detenidamente, queriendo volver a sentir lo mismo que sentimos en aquel momento.

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