Henry Miller

Quote from Henry Miller

What’s a fuck when what I want is love?

Orson Welles

Quote from Orson Welles

In my opinion, there are two things that can absolutely not be carried to the screen: the realistic presentation of the sexual act and praying to God.

Steve Martin

Quote from Steve Martin

I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy.

Lolita Vladimir Nabokov

Quote from Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita

I recall certain moments, let us call them icebergs in paradise, when after having had my fill of her –after fabulous, insane exertions that left me limp and azure-barred–I would gather her in my arms with, at last, a mute moan of human tenderness (her skin glistening in the neon light coming from the paved court through the slits in the blind, her soot-black lashes matted, her grave gray eyes more vacant than ever–for all the world a little patient still in the confusion of a drug after a major operation)–and the tenderness would deepen to shame and despair, and I would lull and rock my lone light Lolita in my marble arms, and moan in her warm hair, and caress her at random and mutely ask her blessing, and at the peak of this human agonized selfless tenderness (with my soul actually hanging around her naked body and ready to repent), all at once, ironically, horribly, lust would swell again–and ‘oh, no,’ Lolita would say with a sigh to heaven, and the next moment the tenderness and the azure–all would be shattered.

Sex The Spiritual Girl's Guide to Dating: Your Enlightened Path to Love

Quote from Amy Leigh Mercree, The Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Dating: Your Enlightened Path to Love, Sex, & Soul Mates

I am powerful in my love for myself. The truth of my being is I love myself exactly as I am. I honor my empowered heart.

All Quotes

Quote from Jess C. Scott, Wicked Lovely

I felt like an animal, and animals don’t know sin, do they?

Quote from Junnita Jackson

I think a man’s “wordplay” can be so fucking sexy!!! I love a good mind fuck!!

Paulo Coelho

Quote from Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Anyone who is in love is making love the whole time, even when they’re not. When two bodies meet, it is just the cup overflowing. They can stay together for hours, even days. They begin the dance one day and finish it the next, or–such is the pleasure they experience–they may never finish it. No eleven minutes for them.

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