Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

Be free, my friend.Cry, scream, rage, collapse.Your pain is not too much for us.And though it’s hard to believe right now,your pain is not too much for you, either.Fall apart into a thousand frightened pieces,question everything you’ve always trusted,grieve however you need to grieve.We’ll still be here. So will you.Yes, you will survive this.Changed but stronger.Wounded but alive.Seen, and loved. So very loved.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

Everywhere I look I see people doing their best to make sense of this overwhelming reality, and to be kind, authentic human beings despite the many invitations we all receive to be phony, unkind assholes. Sometimes their best doesn’t look like much to me, and I remind myself that my best doesn’t look like much a lot of the time, too. I empathize. We’re all human, and we’re all struggling. Every single one of us, every single day. It’s not my job to police the paths of others, not when it takes so much effort to light my own.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

I am continually coming back to the belief that I know nothing, or that there are much deeper places to go with what I think I know. It’s liberating, actually. I don’t think the biggest questions can be answered with any certainty. I’m becoming more and more peaceful not knowing.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

Don’t waste mirror time criticizing your appearance when you could be spending it complementing the one person who has seen you through all of life’s challenges and will get you through all that’s coming. that reflection of yours deserves nothing but praise, for as long as you’re able to look in the mirror and see the it.

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