Category: Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

and then there was that time you sucked down your fear, breathed into it, faced it with a courage that moves mountains, and you stepped right into that thing, that situation, that experience moments and forever before had crippled and controlled you, and had you believing you could never rise up to meet it. but you did, because you could. and you will again, because you can. yes, you can.

Quote from Scott Stabile

If you believe in God,then you’re a child of God.As such, you’re as worthy of loveas anyone who has ever lived. If you don’t believe in God,then you’re a child of Nature.As such, you’re as worthy of loveas anyone who has ever lived.Nothing you can do will make youany more or any less worthy of lovethan you already are, and always have been.You’re as worthy as they come, my friend.Please try not to forget that.

Quote from Scott Stabile

You have the power to change your life, if you want to. By the words you speak, the actions you take, the thoughts you give weight to. Your choices make all the difference. Your dedication alone will set you on a new path. Are you committed to making a better life for yourself? We make it a priority to discover your happiness? Can you let the past go to create space for the present? Your life will only change if you’re willing to make changes, when you consider your peace and well-being and begin to make choices that serve them. One choice at the time. Though growthh is happening every moment, change rarely happens overnight. But it will happen eventually, if you stay committed. And why wouldn’t you? This is your one very precious life were talking about.

Quote from Scott Stabile

I’m super fucking sensitive. I love this about myself only slightly more than I can’t stand it. Sometimes I wish I were an unfeeling stone who didn’t take everything so personally and didn’t need so much space all the time. Feeling can get exhausting fast. Mostly, though, I know my sensitivity is a superpower, perhaps my greatest, and it’s the thing that keeps me loving our world in a profound way, when I’m not too busy hiding from it, that is.