Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

Give people a chance.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

No one determines your truth but you.You can’t paint your own self-portrait with someone else’s hand.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

If people aren’t able to see your magnificence that’s their loss, not yours.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

She was a victim, until she decided she wasn’t. Until she realized only she had the final say in her victimhood. That it was a choice. Her choice. Before then, she allowed the actions of others to define her. She allowed painful, unfair circumstances to dictate how she announced herself to the world. She gave up control of who she was, and who she wanted to be, at home—but lost—in a victim’s life. so she made the choice to find herself. She couldn’t take responsibility for everything that happened to her. Bad things happen to us all, even when we don’t invite them. But, she could own her response to all of it. everything. The moment she chose to do so, she ignited a strength she’d long forgotten and saw, at last, new possibilitiess for her life. She opened the door to a deeper healing and to endless opportunities for real change. The very moment she chose to take responsibility for her life, she acknowledged her power like never before. And was, never again, a victim.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

Aren’t you tired of shutting up? Aren’t you sick of choking down your truth?Aren’t you over nodding yes when you mean no?Then stop—shutting and choking and nodding.You have not come this far to stay silent.You have not endured so much to give up now.You have not awakened just to go back to sleep.Right now is the time to announce yourself. Who are you? What do we need to know?Only you make claim to who you are.Only you decide what’s right, and not, for you.Only you choose how you want to shine.You—only you—get to create your singular life.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

A happiness trick:do more things that make you happy, and you’ll be happy more often.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

I finally stopped seeking in others everything I could only find in myself.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

Sometimes my mind goes dark, and every single part of my life goes dark with it. Any happiness I thought I knew gets replaced by a sadness so big it must be for the whole world. I convince myself that I have nothing to offer, and that nobody has anything to offer me, either. I commit to hopelessness. In these dark moments I remind myself, ( because I’d be too lost without the reminder) that what I’m feeling isn’t the full truth of the world, not by miles, and that though I can’t see it, nothing is as dire as the nightmare my mind conjures, and that i, and the world, will be okay. In time, with hope. Slowly I come out of the darkness again. I reject my mind’s devotion to misery and fear, and reroute myself on a path of acceptance and love. I focus on the beauty in our world, and in myself, and I remember that we are family, all of us, and we each matter. We each shine. Certainly.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

We can’t heal what we refuse to acknowledge.

Scott Stabile

Quote from Scott Stabile

Friends…we can paralyze ourselves with the need to have all the details in order, with the desire to know all of the hows, with the reasons why we’re not quite ready, and whatever other story we tell ourselves to keep from diving into the changes/dreams/goals we know we need to go after in our lives. At some point, though, we have to dive in. You’ll never have all the details worked out, and they’ll change along the way. You’ll never know all the hows, and you don’t need to. Nobody does. There will always be reasons you’re not ready enough, and always fears that will beg you not to do a thing. Sometimes the only way we can overcome all of these obstacles is by starting, wherever we are, with whatever we have to offer in the moment. Really, just begin.

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