Numbers Rachel Ward

Quote from Rachel Ward, Numbers

People just don’t seem to get me. Don’t understand that I need my space. Always telling me what to do. They think rules and routines and clean hands and your p’s and q’s will make everything all right. They haven’t got a clue.

The Unwritten Rule

Quote from Elizabeth Scott, The Unwritten Rule

There are a million rules for being a girl. There are a million things you have to do to get through each day. High school has things that can trip you up, ruin you, people say one thing and mean another, and you have to know all the rules, you have to know what you can and can’t do.

Shannon L. Alder

Quote from Shannon L. Alder

No boundary or barrier surrounds the heart of a person that loves their self and others.

Henry David Thoreau

Quote from Henry David Thoreau, Journal #14

Any fool can make a ruleAnd any fool will mind it.

All Quotes

Quote from Jim George, A Man After God’s Own Heart

As your heart goes, so goes your family! If your heart isn’t right, no child raising system, rules, or gimmicks will ever work. As your heart goes, so goes your parenting!

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