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Quote from Janet Evanovich, Four to Score

She’ll be back,” Ranger said. “But not tonight.”[Stephanie] “How’d you get her to leave?””Told her I was gonna spend the next twelve hours ruining you for all other men, and so she might as well go home.”I could feel the heat rush to my face.Ranger gave me the wolf smile. “I lied about it being tonight,” he said.

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Quote from Janet Evanovich, Eleven on Top

I don’t have a lot of domestic instincts,” Ranger said to me, his attention fixing on the unidentifiable glob in my hair, “but I have a real strong urge to take you home and hose you down.”I went dry mouth. Connie bit into her lower lip, and Lula fanned herself with a file.

Three to Get Deadly

Quote from Janet Evanovich, Three to Get Deadly

Ranger is an unusual name,” she managed. “Is it a nickname?”It’s a street name,” Ranger said. “I was a Ranger in the army.”I heard about them Rangers on TV,” Grandma said. “I heard they get dogs pregnant.”My father’s mouth dropped open and a piece of ham fell out.My mother froze, her fork poised in midair.That’s sort of a joke,” I told Grandma. “Rangers don’t get dogs pregnant in real life.”I looked at Ranger for corroboration and got another smile.

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