Rick Riordan The Blood of Olympus

Quote from Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus

Percy pulled Annabeth close and kissed her…long enough for it to get really awkward for Piper, though she said nothing. She thought about the old rule of Aphrodite’s cabin: that to be recognized as a daughter of the love goddess, you had to break someone’s heart. Piper had long ago decided to change that rule. Percy and Annabeth were a perfect example of why. You should have to make someone`s heart whole; that was a much better test.

Rick Riordan The Mark of Athena

Quote from Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena

Blackjack,” Percy said, “this is Piper and Jason. They’re friends.”The horse nickered.”Uh, maybe later,” Percy answered.Piper had heard that Percy could speak to horses, being the son of the horse lord Poseidon, but she’d never seen it in action.”What does Blackjack want?” she asked.”Donuts,” Percy said. “Always donuts.

Rick Riordan The Blood of Olympus

Quote from Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus

Fear can’t be reasoned with. Neither can hate. They’re like love. They’re almost identical emotions. That’s why Ares and Aphrodite like each other. Their twin sons – Fear and Panic – were spawned from both war and love.

Rick Riordan The Son of Neptune

Quote from Rick Riordan, The Son of Neptune

This is Leo. I’m the… What’s my title? Am I like, admiral, or captain, or…””Repair boy.””Very funny, Piper.

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