Woody Allen

Quote from Woody Allen

Photons have mass? I didn’t even know they were Catholic.

Toba Beta

Quote from Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

I tell you about a fact and truth. In physical reality of matter, there’s no such thing as an imaginary spirit nor spiritual ghost. They are also made of matter, but totally different in size andlaws of physics which rule their life and the way they interact.

Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem Suzy Kassem

Quote from Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Three things have a limited threshold:Time, pain, and death.While truth, love, and knowledge –Are boundless.

Quote from Betrand Russell

Among the objections to the reality of objects of sense, there is one which is derived from the apparent difference between matter as it appears in physics and things as they appear in sensation. Men of science, for the most part, are willing to condemn immediate data as “merely subjective,” while yet maintaining the truth of the physics inferred from those data. But such an attitude, though it may be *capable* of justification, obviously stands in need of it; and the only justification possible must be one which exhibits matter as a logical construction from sense-data―unless, indeed, there were some wholly *a priori* principle by which unknown entities could be inferred from such as are known. It is therefore necessary to find some way of bridging the gulf between the world of physics and the world of sense, and it is this problem which will occupy us in the present lecture. Physicists appear to be unconscious of the gulf, while psychologists, who are conscious of it, have not the mathematical knowledge required for spanning it. The problem is difficult, and I do not know its solution in detail. All that I can hope to do is to make the problem felt, and to indicate the kind of methods by which a solution is to be sought.”―from_Our Knowledge of the External World_, p. 107.

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Quote from Ian Hacking, Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy?

Both [Quine and Feyerabend] want to revise a version of positivism. Quine started with the Vienna Circle, and Feyerabend with the Copenhagen school of quantum mechanics. Both the Circle and the school have been called children of Ernst Mach; if so, the philosophies of Feyerabend and Quine must be his grandchildren.

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Quote from Felix Alba-Juez, Who was Right: Ptolemy or Copernicus?

Why is it so difficult for us to think in relative terms? Well, for the good reason that human nature loves absoluteness, and erroneously considers it as a state of higher knowledge.

My meditation journey began 7/8 years ago when a friend suggested mindfulness meditation to me. Cinnamon babe and love ghost have released a new alt metal single, “do you like me now ? ”. Relationship & social life.