Famous Melissa de la Cruz

Melissa de la Cruz | famous

Once you start telling people you’re famous, they believe you.

Famous Melissa de la Cruz

Melissa de la Cruz | famous

I haven’t paid for anything since I became famous.

cool Melissa de la Cruz

Melissa de la Cruz | cool

I was always a sci-fi and fantasy geek. I was in the ‘Lord of the Rings’ club and all my cool friends made fun of me.

Melissa de la Cruz The Van Alen Legacy

Quote from Melissa de la Cruz, The Van Alen Legacy

You cannot be with someone just because you don’t want to hurt him. You have your own happiness to think about.

Melissa de la Cruz

Quote from Melissa de la Cruz, Blue Bloods

But there’s always a first time for everything

Melissa de la Cruz

Quote from Melissa de la Cruz, Revelations

Bet you can’t even name one romantic movie you like,” she teased.She felt smug when a few minutes went by and Oliver was still unable to name one romantic movie he could profess to enjoy.The Empire Strikes Back,” Oliver finally declared, tapping his horn at a Prius that wandered over the line.The Empire Strikes Back? The Star Wars movie? That’s not romantic!” Schuyler huffed, fiddling with the air conditioner controls.Au contraire, my dear, it’s very romantic. The last scene, you know, when they’re about to put Han in that freezing cryogenic chamber or whatever? Remember?”Schuyler mmm-hmmmed.And Leia leans over the ledge and says, ‘I love you.'”That’s cheesy, not romatic,” Schuyler argued, although she did like that part.Let me explain. What’s romantic is what Han says back. Remember what he says to her? After she says ‘I love you’?”Schuyler grinned. Maybe Oliver had a point. “Han says, ‘I know.'”Exactly,” Oliver tapped the wheel. “He doesn’t have to say anything so trite as ‘I love you.” Because that’s already understood. And that’s romantic.

Melissa de la Cruz

Quote from Melissa de la Cruz, Revelations

Even if they end up together, which I highly doubt, given the strength of that particular bond-…-but even if Schuyler still loves him, or thinks she does, it doesn’t matter. Because Jack is going to leave her one day. i know he will. He’s too much for Schuyler. They’re wrong for each other. Anyone can see that. And when he leaves her, I’ll be there. However long it takes, I’ll still be there for her. Waiting.

Melissa de la Cruz

Quote from Melissa de la Cruz, Blue Bloods

I don’t need anything to get high. I’m high on life.

Melissa de la Cruz The Isle of the Lost

Quote from Melissa de la Cruz, The Isle of the Lost

It was the truth, and like any truth, it was powerful.

Melissa de la Cruz

Quote from Melissa de la Cruz, Masquerade

Every Valentine’s Day, the student council sponsered a holiday fundraiser by selling roses that would be delievered in class. The roses came in four colors:white, yellow, red, pink, and the subtleties of thier meaning were parsed and analyzed by the female population to no end. Mimi had always understood it thus:white for love, yellow for friendship, red for passion, and pink for a secret crush.

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