health Mark Twain

Mark Twain | health

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.

happiness Mark Twain

Mark Twain | happiness

There are people who can do all fine and heroic things but one – keep from telling their happiness to the unhappy.

great Mark Twain

Mark Twain | great

My books are like water those of the great geniuses are wine. (Fortunately) everybody drinks water.

great Mark Twain

Mark Twain | great

I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.

great Mark Twain

Mark Twain | great

My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.

great Mark Twain

Mark Twain | great

Laws control the lesser man… Right conduct controls the greater one.

government Mark Twain

Mark Twain | government

Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it.

government Mark Twain

Mark Twain | government

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

government Mark Twain

Mark Twain | government

We have the best government that money can buy.

good Mark Twain

Mark Twain | good

Prophesy is a good line of business, but it is full of risks.

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