All Quotes

Quote from J.R. Ward, Covet

Funny thing about glass. When you broke the shit up, it got pissed and bit back.

The King

Quote from J.R. Ward, The King

Wrath held her even closer, right to his beating chest. “. . . a son?” “Yes. A son.” All of a sudden, he felt the biggest, widest, happiest grin hit his face, the g*dd*mn thing stretching his cheeks until they hurt, making his eyes water from the strain, pulling at his temples until they burned. And the joy wasn’t just on his puss. A flush so great it burned him alive flooded through his body, cleansing him in places he didn’t know were dirty, washing out cobwebs that had crept into his corners, making him feel alive in a way he hadn’t been in a very, very long time. Before he knew what he was doing, he burst to his feet with Beth in his arms, leaned back, and hollered at the top of his lungs, with more pride than his six-foot-nine frame could hold. “A soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon! I’m having a soooooooooooooooooooooooon!”-Wrath & Beth

Lover Awakened

Quote from J.R. Ward, Lover Awakened

I… What are you saying, Zsadist?” she stammered, even though she’d heard every word.He glanced back down at the pencil in his hand and then turned to the table. Flipping the spiral notebook to a new page, he bent way over and labored on top of the paper for quite a while. Then he ripped the sheet free.His hand was shaking as he held it out. “It’s messy.”Bella took the paper. In a child’s uneven block letters there were three words: I LOVE YOUHer lips flattened tight as her eyes stung. The handwriting got wavy and then disappeared. “Maybe you can’t read it,” he said in a small voice. “I can do it over.” She shook her head. “I can read it just fine. It’s… beautiful.””I don’t expect anything back. I mean… I know that you don’t… feel that for me anymore. But I wanted you to know. It’s important that you knew.

All Quotes

Quote from J.R. Ward, Crave

But that was life: Nobody got a guided tour to their own theme park. You had to hop on the rides as they presented themselves, never knowing whether you would like the one you were in line for…or if the bastard was going to make you throw up your corn dog and your cotton candy all over the place.

Lover Eternal

Quote from J.R. Ward, Lover Eternal

V shook his head. “Remember what you saw in that clearing, cop? How’d you like that anywhere near a female you loved?”Butch put down the Bud without drinking from it. His eyes traveled over Rhage’s body.“We’re going to need a shitload of steel,” the human muttered.

The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider's Guide

Quote from J.R. Ward, The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider’s Guide

-BDB on the board-Knitter’s AnonimousMay 8, 2006Rhage (in his bedroom posting in V’s room on the board)Hi, my name is V.(“Hi, V”)I’ve been knitting for 125 years now.(*gasping noises*)It’s begun to impact my personal relationships: my brothers think I’m a nancy. It’s begun to affect my health: I’m getting a callus on my forefinger and I find bits of yarn in all my pockets and I’m starting to smell like wool. I can’t concentrate at work: I keep picturing all these lessers in Irish sweaters and thick socks.(*sounds of sympathy*)I’ve come seeking a community of people who, like me, are trying not to knit. Can you help me?(*We’re with you*)Thank you (*takes out hand-knitted hankie in pink*)(*sniffles*)(“We embrace you, V”)Vishous (in the pit): Oh hell no…you did not just put that up. And nice spelling in the title. Man…you just have to roll up on me, don’t you. I got four words for you, my brother.Rhage: Four words? Okay…lemme see… Rhage, you’re so sexy.hmmm….Rhage, you’re SO smart. No wait! Rhage, you’re SO right! That’s it, isn’t it…g’head. You can tell me. Vishous: First one starts with a “P”Use your head for the other three. Bastard.Rhage: P? Hmm… Please pass the yarnVishous: Payback is a bitch!Rhage: OhhhhhhhhhhhhI’m so scuuuuuurred. Can you whip me up a blanket to hide under?

Lover Avenged

Quote from J.R. Ward, Lover Avenged

Life is such a glorious trauma, is it not?

Lover Unleashed

Quote from J.R. Ward, Lover Unleashed

Butch tightened his grip on his cell and wished there were an app that let you reach through a phone and bitch slap someone.

Lover Revealed

Quote from J.R. Ward, Lover Revealed

I liked you, cop. From the moment I met you. No… not the first moment. I wanted to kill you when I first met you. But then I liked you. A lot.

Lover Unbound

Quote from J.R. Ward, Lover Unbound

Falling into ruin was a bit like falling in love: Both descents stripped you bare and left you as you were at your core. And both endings are equally painful.

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