Charlaine Harris

Quote from Charlaine Harris

Niall had been able to mask the odor of fairy from Eric in the restaurant, but I saw from the flare of Eric’s nostrils that the intoxicating scent clung to me. Eric’s eyes closed in ecstasy, and he actually licked his lips. I felt like a T-bone just out of reach of a hungry dog. “Snap out of it,” I said. I wasn’t in the mood.With a huge effort, Eric reigned himself in. “When you smell like that,” he said, “I just wanna fuck you and bite you and rub myself all over you.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak: Thoughts on the Prejudices of Morality

Doubt as sin. — Christianity has done its utmost to close the circle and declared even doubt to be sin. One is supposed to be cast into belief without reason, by a miracle, and from then on to swim in it as in the brightest and least ambiguous of elements: even a glance towards land, even the thought that one perhaps exists for something else as well as swimming, even the slightest impulse of our amphibious nature — is sin! And notice that all this means that the foundation of belief and all reflection on its origin is likewise excluded as sinful. What is wanted are blindness and intoxication and an eternal song over the waves in which reason has drowned.

Roman Payne

Quote from Roman Payne

Ô, Muse of the Heart’s Passion,let me relive my Love’s memory,to remember her body, so brave and so free,and the sound of my Dreameress singing to me,and the scent of my Dreameress sleeping by me,Ô, sing, sweet Muse, my soliloquy!

Roman Payne

Quote from Roman Payne, Hope and Despair

Our lips were for each other and our eyes were full of dreams. We knew nothing of travel and we knew nothing of loss. Ours was a world of eternal spring, until the summer came.

Roman Payne

Quote from Roman Payne

Ô, Wanderess, WanderessWhen did you feel your most euphoric kiss? Was I the source of your greatest bliss?

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