Night Watch Terry Pratchett

Quote from Terry Pratchett, Night Watch

No! Please! I’ll tell you whatever you want to know!” the man yelled. “Really?” said Vimes. “What’s the orbital velocity of the moon?””What?””Oh, you’d like something simpler?

Raymond Chandler The High Window

Quote from Raymond Chandler, The High Window

Until you guys own your own souls you don’t own mine. Until you guys can be trusted every time and always, in all times and conditions, to seek the truth out and find it and let the chips fall where they may—until that time comes, I have the right to listen to my conscience, and protect my client the best way I can. Until I’m sure you won’t do him more harm than you’ll do the truth good. Or until I’m hauled before somebody that can make me talk.

Night Watch Terry Pratchett

Quote from Terry Pratchett, Night Watch

I get it,’ said the prisoner. ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop, eh?’If you like.’ said Vimes. ‘But we’re a bit short staffed here, so if I give you a cigarette would you mind kicking yourself in the teeth?

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