Roy Bennett

Quote from Roy Bennett

Embrace being perfectly imperfect. Learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself, you’ll be happier.

Quote from Chris Burkmenn

Encouragement is like water to the soul, it makes everything grow.

Quote from Dee Dee Artner

If you have time to whine then you have time to find solution.


Quote from Pablo

Stay away from conflictive, negative people that pull you down, because they contaminate your energy and impede your progress. Search for people who look at the world with optimism, that inspire you, make you happy and provide peace of mind.

Roman Payne

Quote from Roman Payne

I ran across an excerpt today (in English translation) of some dialogue/narration from the modern popular writer, Paulo Coelho in his book: Aleph.(Note: bracketed text is mine.)… ‘I spoke to three scholars,’ [the character says ‘at last.’] …two of them said that, after death, the [sic (misprint, fault of the publisher)] just go to Paradise. The third one, though, told me to consult some verses from the Koran. [end quote]’ …I can see that he’s excited. [narrator]’ …Now I have many positive things to say about Coelho: He is respectable, inspiring as a man, a truth-seeker, and an appealing writer; but one should hesitate to call him a ‘literary’ writer based on this quote. A ‘literary’ author knows that a character’s excitement should be ‘shown’ in his or her dialogue and not in the narrator’s commentary on it. Advice for Coelho: Remove the ‘I can see that he’s excited’ sentence and show his excitement in the phrasing of his quote.(Now, in defense of Coelho, I am firmly of the opinion, having myself written plenty of prose that is flawed, that a novelist should be forgiven for slipping here and there.)Lastly, it appears that a belief in reincarnation is of great interest to Mr. Coelho … Just think! He is a man who has achieved, (as Leonard Cohen would call it), ‘a remote human possibility.’ He has won lots of fame and tons of money. And yet, how his preoccupation with reincarnation—none other than an interest in being born again as somebody else—suggests that he is not happy!

All Quotes

Quote from L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables: Anne Shirley Series #1

Well, I don’t want to be anyone but myself, even if I go uncomforted by diamonds all my life,’ declared Anne. ‘I’m quite content to be Anne of Green Gables, with my string of pearl beads.

Quote from Eugene O’Neill, Long Day’s Journey Into Night

Happy roads is bunk. Weary roads is right. Get you nowhere fast. That’s where I’ve got—nowhere. Where everyone lands in the end, even if most of the suckers won’t admit it.

Quote from Keisha Keenleyside

May the fleas of a thousand camels invade the crotch of the person that ruins your day. And may their arms be to short too scratch

Sunday Adelaja

Quote from Sunday Adelaja

Actually, before creating a family, it is necessary for a person to be already happy

Tom Giaquinto

Quote from Tom Giaquinto, Be A Good Human

Sometimes you just have to jump in a mud puddle because it’s there. Never get so old that you forget about having fun.

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