
Quote from Scott Stabile

It’s easy to rebuke each other’s opinions, but can we honor each other’s pain? Can we make the effort to see beyond the portraits we’ve painted of one another, and to connect to the humanity that thrives beneath our own assumptions? Can we be relentless in our desire to tear down walls, and to build bridges? Can we be brave and stay committed to the conversations that need to be had?The only thing I know about these questions is that I need to replace the we with I, and begin to answer them from there.One thing I know for sure: I want to become the example I wish to see in others. That’s a good place to start.Another thing I know for sure: I love you. You’re beautiful. You rock.

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Quote from Scott Stabile

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need to remind myself to breathe. I have to close my eyes and concentrate, even force myself to take a few deep breaths. In and out. In and out. In and out.I know that breathing just happens, without us needing to work at it. But so does stress, and distress, and discomfort. That’s when a few deep, conscious breaths can make a world of difference.Can I get an inhale?

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Quote from Meik Wiking, The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living

If a city is designed in a way that makes a long drive to work necessary, we harm the social health of that city. If a lot of people cycle, it’s probably an indication that you live in a healthy neighborhood. This is something that should be seriously considered in urban planning, if you want to ensure a neighborhood togetherness and trust among locals.

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Quote from Paul Verlaine, Poèmes Saturniens

Sonnez, grelots; sonnez, clochettes; sonnez, cloches!Car mon rêve impossible a pris corps et je l’aiEntre mes bras pressé : le Bonheur, cet ailéVoyageur qui de l’Homme évite les approches,- Sonnez grelots; sonnez, clochettes, sonnez, cloches!Le Bonheur a marché côte à côte avec moi;Mais la FATALITÉ ne connaît point de trêve :Le ver est dans le fruit, le réveil dans le rêve,Et le remords est dans l’amour : telle est la loi.- Le Bonheur a marché côte à côte avec moi.

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Quote from Victoria Herocten, Awaken Mega Happiness

To become happy in life you need to master the eleven skills: know your life compass, change your thinking, change your beliefs, accept your limits, take responsibility for your life, use positive language, change your habits, manage negative emotions in a wise way, set compelling goals, master time management and face life challenges

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Quote from Melody Lee, Moon Gypsy

If I should get lost in all the chaos of the world, pull your butterly net and catch me in the beauty of your love. Remind me of important things — friends, flowers, fields of cool grass under bare feet, blue skies above, rain on my face, and freedom… freedom to make a difference, freedom to be me. Pull out your butterfly net and remind me of these things, and most of all… your undying love.

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