The Philosopher's Kiss

Quote from Peter Prange, The Philosopher’s Kiss

The striving of humanity for knowledge and truth [can] not be suppressed. The growth of the spirit [is]an essential part of Creation; it was planned like the growth of the body, of the plants and animals and people – every living thing that God had created.

Quote from Brandi L. Bates, Remains To Be Seen

In order to grow, I promise you’ll have to let go of some habits. 10 times out of 10, they’ll be the habits you’re most in love with.

Roy T. Bennett

Quote from Roy T. Bennett

When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge — every adversity — contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth.

The Flinch

Quote from Julien Smith, The Flinch

You will never be entirely comfortable. This is the truth behind the champion – he is always fighting something. To do otherwise is to settle.

Roman Payne The Wanderess

Quote from Roman Payne, The Wanderess

When no possessions keep us, when no countries contain us, and no time detains us, man becomes a heroic wanderer, and woman, a wanderess.

All Quotes

Quote from Chris Pepple, Without a Voice

Stop looking for that person you were in the past. She has changed. Look for the person she has grown into. She is wiser and stronger than than ever before. Don’t go back to who you were. Cherish who you are.” –Without a Voice by Chris Pepple

Stefan Molyneux

Quote from Stefan Molyneux

Sanity is not about confrontation. It’s about filtering. Having a stable and happy life is about saying “no” to crazy people, not about inviting them in and then hoping that confrontations are going to make them sane.

Shannon L. Alder

Quote from Shannon L. Alder

Your strength will be found when you stop struggling with yourself, instead of thinking everyone is a struggle worth overcoming. Every obstacle in life is a lesson that teaches us, not others.

T.F. Hodge

Quote from T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and Conscious Encounters with “The Divine Presence”

From the cradle to the grave, joy and pain is the fertilizer for wisdom.

Quote from Brittany Burgunder

Soon, when all is well, you’re going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad that you never gave up.

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