My Merlin Awakening Priya Ardis

Quote from Priya Ardis, My Merlin Awakening

Vane’s lips tightened to suppress a smile. “Why so hostile, love?”“You whacked me on the head with a ball!”“You deserved it.

Lover Enshrined

Quote from J.R. Ward, Lover Enshrined

After a moment, Wrath turned to John. “This is Lassiter, the fallen angel. One of the last times he was here on earth, there was a plague in central Europe-“”Okay, that was so not my fault-“”-which wiped out two-thirds of the human population.””I’d like to remind you that you don’t like humans.””They smell bad when they’re dead.””All you mortal types do.

Richelle Mead Succubus Heat

Quote from Richelle Mead, Succubus Heat

How come when mortals want things, their only option is to make a deal with Hell and sell their soul? Why can’t they make deals with God in exchange for good behavior?”It was another of those rare moments when I’d surprised Carter. I waited for the glib answer I’d mentioned to Seth, something along the lines of goodness being its own reward. The angel considered for several seconds. “Humans make those deals all the time,” he said finally. “They just don’t make them with God.””Then who are they making them with?” I exclaimed.”Themselves.

Minor Snobs

Quote from Daniel Amory, Minor Snobs

Look, girls know when they’re cute,” he said. “You don’t have to tell them. All they need to do is look in the mirror. I have one friend out in New York, an attorney. She moved out there after the school year to take the bar. She doesn’t have a job. I was like, ‘How are you going to get a job there in this market?’ And she’s like, ‘I’ll wink and I’ll smile.’ She’s a pretty girl. Whether that works despite her poor grades is yet to be seen.

Postcards from the Edge

Quote from Carrie Fisher, Postcards from the Edge

ligion is the opiate of the masses.” “I did masses of opiates religiously.

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