Steven Erikson The Bonehunters

Quote from Steven Erikson, The Bonehunters

Save your explanations, I got some questions for you first and you’d better answer them!’ [slurred Hellian.] ‘With what?’ [Banaschar] sneered. ‘Explanations?’ ‘No. Answers. There’s a difference-‘ ‘Really? How? What difference?’ ‘Explanations are what people use when they need to lie. Y’can always tell those,’cause those don’t explain nothing and then they look at you like they just cleared things up when really they did the opposite and they know it and you know it and they know you know and you know they know that you know and they know you and you know them and maybe you go out for a pitcher later but who picks up the tab? That’s what I want to know.’ ‘Right, and answers?’ ‘Answers is what I get when I ask questions. Answers is when you got no choice. I ask, you tell. I ask again, you tell some more. Then I break your fingers, ’cause I don’t like what you’re telling me, because those answers don’t explain nothing!

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Quote from C.J. Carlyon

Love me like Saturday night, like three glasses of champagne, like the room is spinning, like you’re drunk on my love.

Quote from Christopher Poindexter

And in the end, we were all just humans.. drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness.

Mitch Albom

Quote from Mitch Albom, For One More Day

I thought about the days i had handed over to a bottle..the nights i can’t remember..the mornings i slept thru..all the time spent running from myself.

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