Ray Bradbury Work

Ray Bradbury | work

You don’t have to turn on the TV set. You don’t have to work on the Internet. It’s up to you.

Ray Bradbury Work

Ray Bradbury | work

I’m not in control of my muse. My muse does all the work.

Ray Bradbury Work

Ray Bradbury | work

I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But it’s true – hard work pays off. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice. If you don’t love something, then don’t do it.

Ray Bradbury Time

Ray Bradbury | time

If you’re living in your time, you cannot help but to write about the things that are important.

Ray Bradbury Time

Ray Bradbury | time

If we listened to our intellect, we’d never have a love affair. We’d never have a friendship. We’d never go into business, because we’d be cynical. Well, that’s nonsense. You’ve got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.

Ray Bradbury science

Ray Bradbury | science

Science fiction is any idea that occurs in the head and doesn’t exist yet, but soon will, and will change everything for everybody, and nothing will ever be the same again. As soon as you have an idea that changes some small part of the world you are writing science fiction. It is always the art of the possible, never the impossible.

Ray Bradbury science

Ray Bradbury | science

Touch a scientist and you touch a child.

Ray Bradbury science

Ray Bradbury | science

The best scientist is open to experience and begins with romance – the idea that anything is possible.

Ray Bradbury religion

Ray Bradbury | religion

My religion encompasses all religions. I believe in God, I believe in the universe. I believe you are god, I believe I am god I believe the earth is god and the universe is god. We’re all god.

power Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury | power

Everything is generated through your own will power.

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