Lies Michael Grant

Quote from Michael Grant, Lies

What do you think that fish is?’ Sam asked Astrid.,’ she said.’Yeah?’ Sam made a face. ‘Do you think it’s okay to eat?’? Inedible? Joke, duh. Try to keep up, Sam, I made that really easy for you.’Sam smiled. ‘You know, a real genius would have known I wouldn’t get it. Ergo, you are not a real genius. Hah. That’s right. I threw down an ‘ergo.”She gave him a pitying look. ‘That’s very impressive, Sam. Especially from a boy who has twenty-two different uses for the word ‘dude.

Lies Michael Grant

Quote from Michael Grant, Lies

We do need a system, and we do need you and your ‘Bertos, and sometimes we need Sam to just come along and kick some ass. – Quinn

Michael Grant

Quote from Michael Grant, Hunger

Brianna dropped the skateboard in front of Sam. “Don’t worry: I won’t let you fall off.” “Yeah? Then why did you bring the helmet?” Brianna tossed it to him. “In case you fall off.

Michael Grant Plague

Quote from Michael Grant, Plague

It’s Sanjit. It’s a Hindu name. It means ‘invincible.'””That’s great,” Lana said.”Invincible. I can’t be vinced.””That’s not even a word,” Lana said.”Go ahead: try to vince me,” Sanjit said.

Michael Grant

Quote from Michael Grant, Gone

I had a polynomial once. My doctor removed it.

Fear Michael Grant

Quote from Michael Grant, Fear

Sam woke to a feeling of utter, profound, incredible relief.He closed his eyes as soon as he opened them, afraid that being awake would just invite something terrible to appear.Astrid was back. And she was asleep with her head on his arm. His arm was asleep, completely numb, but as long as that blond head was right there his arm could stay numb.She smelled like pine trees and campfire smoke.He opened his eyes, cautious, almost flinching, because the FAYZ didn’t make a habit of allowing him pure, undiluted happiness. The FAYZ made a habit of stomping on anything that looked even a little bit like happiness. And this level of happiness was surely tempting retaliation. From this high up the fall could be a long, long one.

Lies Michael Grant

Quote from Michael Grant, Lies

No you sick, stupid creep, I love you. I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t. You’re sick inside, Caine, sick! But I love you. – Diana

Michael Grant

Quote from Michael Grant, BZRK

A man without pleasure is a man without any idea what life is about

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