Category: Melody Lee

Quote from Melody Lee, Moon Gypsy

When catastrophe strikes compassion and love unite. A storm can’t break the spirit of love. A storm may crack your windows, tear off your roof, wreck your house, but it absolutely cannot destroy the foundation you hold within yourself. Stay strong. Stay rooted. Carry love in your heart, always, and know the sacred things in life can’t be touched.

Quote from Melody Lee

Don’t be afraid of your struggles, they are making you dangerously strong and wise. They are preparing you for your superpowers. Let them happen, otherwise you’ll stay in the same damn place you’ve always been, and until you know there is so much more awesomeness in the world and within you, you’ll be content in your tiny cocoon, spinning the same circles day in and day out. Your struggles are transforming you.

Quote from Melody Lee, Moon Gypsy

I’m the girl that goes backwards, takes wrong turns, stumbles in the dark. I’m also the girl that finds gold where others feared to stray. Perhaps because I follow my heart instead of sage advice thrown my way. I don’t want to become numb by always playing it safe. Many of our most cherished times happen when we shatter the damn box, step off the safety zone and listen to the sound of our soul.

Quote from Melody Lee, Moon Gypsy

If I should get lost in all the chaos of the world, pull your butterly net and catch me in the beauty of your love. Remind me of important things — friends, flowers, fields of cool grass under bare feet, blue skies above, rain on my face, and freedom… freedom to make a difference, freedom to be me. Pull out your butterfly net and remind me of these things, and most of all… your undying love.