Lish McBride Necromancing the Stone

Quote from Lish McBride, Necromancing the Stone

And someone, somewhere, was having an even worse time of it than me. I tried to keep that in mind. No matter how crappy your life, someone will probably beat you in the my-life-is-crap category. Not that I don’t let myself whine a little now and then, but sometimes it’s good to keep your misery in perspective

Lish McBride Necromancer

Quote from Lish McBride, Hold Me Closer, Necromancer

There were no windows in my bedroom, so I had to sit up and read my clock to figure out how angry I should be at my visitor. Eight A.M. I hated whoever woke me up. Had they come an hour earlier, I would have also hated their families and any household pets.

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