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Quote from Eoin Colfer, Airman

Young love is common, but that doesn’t mean it’s not precious.

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Quote from Jeane Kirkpatrick

History is a better guide than good intentions.

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Quote from David Lee Roth

Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy a huge yacht that sails right next to it.

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Quote from Lawrence Block, Everybody Dies

Fuck you! I hope you die!””Everybody Dies,” I said. “So fuck you.

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Quote from Manuel Toharia-Cortés, Galloping with Light – Einstein, Relativity, and Folklore

Comprehending and knowing better and deeper are the best guarantees we can have to attain ideas and criteria of our own; i.e. to stop depending on what other people say. In summary, to be freer to choose our own path in life.

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Quote from Ozzie Zehner, Green Illusions

Truths are as much a matter of questions as answers.

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Quote from Anne Bishop, Written in Red

People who entered the Courtyard without an invitation were just plain crazy! Wolves were big and scary and so fluffy, how could anyone resist hugging one just to feel all that fur?“Ignore the fluffy,” she muttered. “Remember the part about big and scary.

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Quote from David Brin

It is said that power corrupts, but actually it’s more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.

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Quote from Babe Ruth

Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.

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Quote from Michael J. Sullivan, Heir of Novron

See, that’s the difference,” Mauvin said. “I suffer a loss and people console me. Royce suffers a loss and whole towns evacuate.

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