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Quote from Michael Chabon

I have come to see this fear, this sense of my own imperilment by my creations, as not only an inevitable, necessary part of writing fiction but as virtual guarantor, insofar as such a thing is possible, of the power of my work: as a sign that I am on the right track, that I am following the recipe correctly, speaking the proper spells. Literature, like magic, has always been about the handling of secrets, about the pain, the destruction and the marvelous liberation that can result when they are revealed. Telling the truth, when the truth matters most, is almost always a frightening prospect. If a writer doesn’t give away secrets, his own or those of the people he loves; if she doesn’t court disapproval, reproach and general wrath, whether of friends, family, or party apparatchiks; if the writer submits his work to an internal censor long before anyone else can get their hands on it, the result is pallid, inanimate, a lump of earth. The adept handles the rich material, the rank river clay, and diligently intones his alphabetical spells, knowing full well the history of golems: how they break free of their creators, grow to unmanageable size and power, refuse to be controlled. In the same way, the writer shapes his story, flecked like river clay with the grit of experience and rank with the smell of human life, heedless of the danger to himself, eager to show his powers, to celebrate his mastery, to bring into being a little world that, like God’s, is at once terribly imperfect and filled with astonishing life.Originally published in The Washington Post Book World

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Quote from Pliny the Elder, Natural History

In wine, there’s truth.

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Quote from Priya Ardis, My Merlin Awakening

Vane’s lips tightened to suppress a smile. “Why so hostile, love?”“You whacked me on the head with a ball!”“You deserved it.

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Quote from Delano Johnson, Words That Changed the World

I don’t like the way people cherish the ghetto, as if it’s some royal palace, or kingdom. I also don’t like the way people treat each other in the ghetto. It is really hard to find love, trust, and respect. You don’t find too many people that want to do better for themselves in the ghetto because so many people seem to be satisfied with where they’re at.

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Quote from Alexandra Bracken, Never Fade

I can’t–I can’t think about anything or anyone else,” he whispered. A hand drifted up, dragging back through his hair. “I can’t think straight when you’re around. I can’t sleep. It feels like I can’t breathe–I just–“”Liam, please,” I begged. “You’re tired. You’re barely over being sick. Let’s just… Can we just go back to the others?””I love you.” He turned toward me, that agonized expression still on his face. “I love you every second of everyday, and I don’t understand why, or how to make it stop–” He looked wild with pain; it pinned me in place, even before what he had said registered in my mind.”I know it’s wrong; I know it down to my damn bones. And I feel like I’m sick. I’m trying to be a good person, but I can’t. I can’t do this anymore.

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Quote from Rick Riordan

Dreams like a podcast,Downloading truth in my ears.They tell me cool stuff.””Apollo?” I guess, because I figured nobody else could make a haiku that bad.He put his finger to his lips. “I’m incognito. Call me Fred.””A god named Fred?

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Quote from Chance Carter, Bad Boy Daddy

You ever seen that painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, where God’s reaching out and touching the finger of an angel? That was what it felt like at the moment my lips touched hers. It was more than just a kiss. It was something spiritual.

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Quote from Matthieu Ricard

According to the philosopher Andre Comte-Sponville: The wise man has nothing left to expect or to hope for. Because he is entirely happy, he needs nothing. Because he needs nothing, he is entirely happy.

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Quote from Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently.

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Quote from Nigel Warburton, Philosophy

Philosophy is not a spectator sport.

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