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Quote from Addison Moore, 3:AM Kisses

You taste like sugar,” he pants through a smile, still out of breath.”Somehow I doubt that. But I appreciate the thought.

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Quote from Michael Spencer, Mere Churchianity: Finding Your Way Back to Jesus-Shaped Spirituality

What we believe about God is the most important truth we believe, and it’s the one truth that does the most to shape us. God is the Sun too bright for us to see. Jesus is the Prism who makes the colors beautiful and comprehensible.

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Quote from Kathy Bee, Footsteps My Journey: The true story about the beloved poem Footprints In The Sand.

Oh Beautiful For A Land That’s FreeWhere All Can CongregateTogether Live With No DegreeOf Bigotry And Hate

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Quote from John Crowley, Little, Big

Stories last longer: but only by becoming only stories.

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Quote from Rick Riordan

Can you surf really well, then?”I looked at Grover, who was trying hard not to laugh.”Jeez, Nico,” I said. “I’ve never really tried.”He went on asking questions. Did I fight a lot with Thalia, since she was a daughter of Zeus? (I didn’t answer that one.) If Annabeth’s mother was Athena, the goddess of wisdom, then why didn’t Annabeth know better than to fall off a cliff? (I tried not to strangle Nico for asking that one.) Was Annabeth my girlfriend? (At this point, I was ready to stick the kid in a meat-flavored sack and throw him to the wolves.)

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Quote from Marian Keyes, Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married

It was ironic, really – you want to die because you can’t be bothered to go on living – but then you’re expected to get all energetic and move furniture and stand on chairs and hoist ropes and do complicated knots and attach things to other things and kick stools from under you and mess around with hot baths and razor blades and extension cords and electrical appliances and weedkiller. Suicide was a complicated, demanding business, often involving visits to hardware shops.And if you’ve managed to drag yourself from the bed and go down the road to the garden center or the drug store, by then the worst is over. At that point you might as well just go to work.

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Quote from Richard Yates

If my work has a theme, I suspect it is a simple one: that most human beings are inescapably alone, and therein lies their tragedy.

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Quote from Robin Epstein, God Is in the Pancakes

Having an answer is a comfort. It’s when you start asking questions and those questions pull threads in the larger fabric, you’re forced to wonder what you’re left with. And for people of any age, it’s scary to think the fabric of the universe – or the universe as you’ve always believed it existed – can just unwind, you know?

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Quote from John O’Donohue

When one flower blooms spring awakens everywhere

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Quote from Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

I know that’s what people say– you’ll get over it. I’d say it, too. But I know it’s not true. Oh, youll be happy again, never fear. But you won’t forget. Every time you fall in love it will be because something in the man reminds you of him.

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