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Quote from Matt Chandler

He can heal me. I believe He will. I believe I’m going to be an old surely Baptist preacher. And even if He doesn’t…that’s the thing: I’ve read Philippians 1. I know what Paul says. I’m here let’s work, if I go home? That’s better. I understand that.

Tabitha Robin

Quote from Tabitha Robin

Salvation is more than a word, It is His Word. His word became flesh so we have the opportunity to live.


Quote from prixie

Single is not a status, it is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others.

Sorin Cerin

Quote from Sorin Cerin, Wisdom Collection: The Book of Wisdom

Between world and animal are fewer questions than between man and world. How many such questions are there in God’s Word?

Sorin Cerin

Quote from Sorin Cerin, Wisdom Collection: The Book of Wisdom

Are we the wreck or the ship of God’s Word?

My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut Toba Beta

Quote from Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

At the beginning was The Word. Today I see That in great quotes.

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Quote from Alexandra Adornetto, Halo

One of the most frustrating words in the human language, as far as I could tell, was love.So much meaning attached to this one little word. People bandied it about freely, using it todescribe their attachments to possessions, pets, vacation destinations, and favorite foods. In thesame breath they then applied this word to the person they considered most important in theirlives. Wasn’t that insulting? Shouldn’t there be some other term to describe deeper emotion?

Suzy Kassem

Quote from Suzy Kassem

Your faith is your conscience, and your conscience is your faith. You cannot have faith without a conscience, but you can have a conscience without faith. Man was designed to be good with or without religion, yet the challenge for many is staying good. Some people claim to be religious but have no conscience, while some people without religion are very much aware of their conscience. Therefore, a religious label does not define your character or validate your worth. In the end, all men will be judged by the amount of truth in them and the weight of their hearts. The heavier the conscience, the heavier the truth. The lighter the heart, the higher it goes. The only spiritual currency one has in the afterlife is amassed in the form of light, in that, the amount you have depends on the weight of your words and deeds in the living. Conscience is everything. Conscience is what connects us to the truth and light of the highest power source of all. God. The cosmic heart of the universe.

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