William Cowper Wisdom

William Cowper | wisdom

They whom truth and wisdom lead, can gather honey from a weed.

William Cowper Wisdom

William Cowper | wisdom

Wisdom is humble that he knows no more.

William Cowper Wisdom

William Cowper | wisdom

Knowledge is proud that it knows so much wisdom is humble that it knows no more.

Truth William Cowper

William Cowper | truth

They whom truth and wisdom lead, can gather honey from a weed.

positive William Cowper

William Cowper | positive

Where men of judgment creep and feel their way, The positive pronounce without dismay.

Nature William Cowper

William Cowper | nature

Nature is a good name for an effect whose cause is God.

Nature William Cowper

William Cowper | nature

Thus happiness depends, as nature shows, less on exterior things than most suppose.

Life William Cowper

William Cowper | life

Variety’s the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor.

learning William Cowper

William Cowper | learning

Meditation here may think down hours to moments. Here the heart may give a useful lesson to the head and learning wiser grow without his books.

knowledge William Cowper

William Cowper | knowledge

Knowledge is proud that it knows so much wisdom is humble that it knows no more.

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