Nina Hrusa

Quote from Nina Hrusa

Die wertvollste Reise ist die Reise zu unserem Selbst.

Nina Hrusa

Quote from Nina Hrusa

Later that day when I walked down this dried-out riverbed, enjoying the last rays of sunshine on my bare skin, I felt a deep inner peace coming up straight from my heart.

My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut Toba Beta

Quote from Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

When you feel life at crossroads,you need higher perspective view.

Lieh-tzu: A Taoist Guide to Practical Living Liezi

Quote from Liezi, Lieh-tzu: A Taoist Guide to Practical Living

When two things occur successively we call them cause and effect if we believe one event made the other one happen. If we think one event is the response to the other, we call it a reaction. If we feel that the two incidents are not related, we call it a mere coincidence. If we think someone deserved what happened, we call it retribution or reward, depending on whether the event was negative or positive for the recipient. If we cannot find a reason for the two events’ occurring simultaneously or in close proximity, we call it an accident. Therefore, how we explain coincidences depends on how we see the world. Is everything connected, so that events create resonances like ripples across a net? Or do things merely co-occur and we give meaning to these co-occurrences based on our belief system? Lieh-tzu’s answer: It’s all in how you think.

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