Stephenie Meyer

Quote from Stephenie Meyer, Breaking Dawn

Life sucks, and then you die.Yeah, I should be so lucky.

Roman Payne Rooftop Soliloquy

Quote from Roman Payne, Rooftop Soliloquy

Mine was the twilight and the morning. Mine was a world of rooftops and love songs.

Quote from Janette Rallison

Madame Bellwings, Memoir Elf Coordinator, was not at all pleased with this request, because elves who write the memoirs of teenage girls have the habit of returning to the magical realm with atrocious grammar. They can’t seem to shake the phrases “watever” and “no way,” and they insert the word like into so many sentences that the other elves start slapping them…and for no apparent reason occasionally call out the name Edward Cullen.

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