Quote from Horace Walpole

The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.

Megan Karasch

Quote from Megan Karasch

In advising the heads of state to learn from tragedy rather than perpetuate its existence Robert Kennedy excalimed, “Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live.” We have a tendency to dwell on tragedy and use it as a justification for tragic occurrences that follow,rather than parse the tragedy, taking from it important lessons and using those lessons to avoid similar tragedies.

Quote from Carolyn Custis James

I have to ask myself how I can possibly expect to know Jesus as he would want to be known if my life remains unscathed by trouble and grief. How can I hope to grasp anything of God’s heart for this broken planet if I never weep because its brokenness touches me and breaks my heart? How can I reflect his image if I never share in his sufferings? And how will any of us ever learn to treasure his hesed and grace if we never experience phases where these blessings seem absent?

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