Tommy Mottola trust

Tommy Mottola | trust

Trust is a big word for me. Loyalty and trust, for me, are everything. It’s the core of what I’m about and what the people around me hopefully are about. It’s a certain thing that gives you a sense of security. It’s the biggest factor in everything I do.

teen Tommy Mottola

Tommy Mottola | teen

You need to know what makes artists tick. Having been through the process myself as a musician, since I was an early teen, gave me an advantage – understanding them from their point of view, because it’s about them, it’s not about you – it’s their vision and what they’re capable of achieving, and you’re the conduit.

learning Tommy Mottola

Tommy Mottola | learning

Everything starts and ends with the song, and working with writers and really learning their process and craft was an invaluable experience.

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