All Quotes

Quote from Harriet Evans, A Hopeless Romantic

You don’t fall in love with someone because it’s convenient.

Rise of the Morningstar

Quote from A.J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar

The most inefficient and self-harming thing a person can do is go out looking for love. Let it find you when the time is right and you’re out doing what you love to do. Only then will you find it in its truest form.

Quote from Wu Wei, I Ching Wisdom: More Guidance from the Book of Answers

Everything that happens, happens at the only possible time it can happen, and it is always at exactly the right time.

Shannon L. Alder

Quote from Shannon L. Alder

The most confused you will ever get is when you try to convince your heart and spirit of something your mind knows is a lie.

Nikki Rowe

Quote from Nikki Rowe

There isn’t any questioning the fact that some people enter your life, at the exact point of need, want or desire – it’s sometimes a coincendence and most times fate, but whatever it is, I am certain it came to make me smile.

Leviathan Thomas Hobbes

Quote from Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan

Hell is truth seen too late.

T.F. Hodge

Quote from T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and Conscious Encounters with “The Divine Presence”

The critical nature of ‘choices’ — [the] timing will prove to be an asset or liability; it will reward wisdom or expose stupidity. Either way, we learn from the path of suffering or satisfaction… by choice or by design.

Quote from Anna Wintour

It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten.

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