morning Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner | morning

There’s some things you just have to live with. Like twelve cars camping outside your house, and when you wake up in the morning, they’re going to follow you wherever you go. It helps that I live in Valencia. It eliminates some. But they’re still here.

hope Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner | hope

I hope that I would be considered romantic. I don’t know… one of my favorite movies is ‘The Notebook’ so I guess that would be considered romantic. But I think being romantic is more than the flowers and the gifts. It’s about connecting with the person and being able to talk and share things with her.

Home Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner | home

The day I finished ‘Twilight,’ I came home and started bulking up. For ‘New Moon,’ I’m 30 pounds heavier than I was in ‘Twilight.’

Food Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner | food

At one point I had to shove as much food in my body as possible to pack on calories. My trainer wanted me to do six meals a day and not go two hours without eating. If I would cheat on eating one day, I could tell – I’d drop a few pounds.

Famous Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner | famous

I got the famous Oprah hug!

cool Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner | cool

You show up in Paris, and on the drive from the airport to the hotel you’re like, ‘This is so cool! I want to see something! I want to go to the Eiffel Tower!’ And then you leave the next morning. You think, Oh, I didn’t get to do anything. I tell people: I’ve been just about everywhere, but I’ve seen nothing.

amazing Taylor Lautner

Quote from Taylor Lautner | amazing


Fast and easy irish driving licence. Both of these can be strong influencers on positive influence and are so accessible !  . Alterna star wars : darth vegas.