Susan Orlean Wisdom

Susan Orlean | wisdom

I don’t turn to greeting cards for wisdom and advice, but they are a fine reflection of the general drift of the culture.

Susan Orlean Truth

Susan Orlean | truth

I wish I had coined the phrase ‘tyranny of choice,’ but someone beat me to it. The counterintuitive truth is that have an abundance of options does not make you feel privileged and indulged too many options make you feel like all of them are wrong, and that you are wrong if you choose any of them.

Susan Orlean technology

Susan Orlean | technology

Sometimes I’m dazzled by how modern and fabulous we are, and how easy everything can be for us that’s the gilded glow of technology, and I marvel at it all the time.

sports Susan Orlean

Susan Orlean | sports

I went to a football school, which meant that I went to a university that served up education and was simultaneously operating a sports franchise.

sports Susan Orlean

Susan Orlean | sports

I have long been one of those tedious people who rails against the coronation of ‘student-athletes.’ I have heard the argument that big-time athletics bring in loads of money to universities. I don’t believe the money goes anywhere other than back into the sports teams, but that’s another story.

power Susan Orlean

Susan Orlean | power

There will always be vain, obsessive people who want to own rare and extraordinary things whatever the cost there will always be people for whom owning beautiful, dangerous animals brings a sense of power and magic.

power Susan Orlean

Susan Orlean | power

I am of mixed minds about the issue of privacy. On one hand, I understand that information is power, and power is, well, power, so keeping your private information to yourself is essential – especially if you are a controversial figure, a celebrity, or a dissident.

Nature Susan Orlean

Susan Orlean | nature

Every corny thing that’s said about living with nature – being in harmony with the earth, feeling the cycle of the seasons – happens to be true.

music Susan Orlean

Susan Orlean | music

In the course of transferring all my CDs to my iPod, I have found myself wandering the musical hallways of my past and reacquainting myself with music I haven’t listened to in years.

morning Susan Orlean

Susan Orlean | morning

The first thing I think about when I wake up most mornings is the fact that I’m tired. I have been tired for decades. I am tired in the morning and I am tired while becalmed in the slough of the afternoon, and I am tired in the evening, except right when I try to go to sleep.

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