Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem Suzy Kassem

Quote from Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

The worst thing in life is having parents that always stand against you and never with you. They discourage you, instill fear in you, hold you back, push you down and never encourage you to fly forward. When I have kids, they’ll already be born with propellers with added wings. Even if one tells me they want to go learn how to ride lions in Africa, if their heart is driving that desire, I’d say “DO IT”.If we throw blankets over our children’s dreams, we darken their world and extinguish their desire to live. I’d rather my kid die with a wild fire in his/her heart than with a malfunctioning or drained out fuse. Always allow your kids to keep humming with dreams and ideas that fuel their passions. Never tell them something is impossible. If you have a really strong determined kid, they’ll go out there killing themselves trying to do the unachievable just to prove you wrong. And if you have a weak kid, they’ll give up on life and settle for bagging Cokes and potato chips at your local grocery store.

Mitch Albom Tuesdays with Morrie

Quote from Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

The fact is, there is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people may stand today if it isn’t the family. If you don’t have the support and love and caring and concern that you get from a family, you don’t have much at all. Love is so supremely important. As our great poet Auden said, ‘Love each other or perish’.

S.R. Crawford

Quote from S.R. Crawford, From My Suffering: 25 Ways to Break the Chains of Anxiety, Depression & Stress

She looked down at her bulging veins and she remembered the most important thing that she had forgotten – she was alive.

Steve Maraboli

Quote from Steve Maraboli

Create an environment that is conducive to your emotional and personal growth. Surround yourself with caring and positive people who support you, and reflect who you want to be.

Quote from Gladys M. Hunt, Honey for a Child’s Heart: The Imaginative Use of Books in Family Life

What is home? My favorite definition is “a safe place,” a place where one is free from attack, a place where one experiences secure relationships and affirmation. It’s a place where people share and understand each other. Its relationships are nurturing. The people in it do not need to be perfect; instead, they need to be honest, loving, supportive, recognizing a common humanity that makes all of us vulnerable.

Shannon L. Alder

Quote from Shannon L. Alder

A best friend is the only one that walks into your life when the world has walked out.

Paulo Coelho

Quote from Paulo Coelho, Brida

She didn’t need to understand the meaning of life; it was enough to find someone who did, and then fall asleep in his arms and sleep as a child sleeps, knowing that someone stronger than you is protecting you from all evil and all danger

Wallace Stegner

Quote from Wallace Stegner, Angle of Repose

There must be some other possibility than death or lifelong penance … some meeting, some intersection of lines; and some cowardly, hopeful geometer in my brain tells me it is the angle at which two lines prop each other up, the leaning-together from the vertical which produces the false arch. For lack of a keystone, the false arch may be as much as one can expect in this life. Only the very lucky discover the keystone.

The Gathering

Quote from Kelley Armstrong, The Gathering

I want you to have big dreams, big goals. I want you to strive to achieve them. But I don’t want to see you beating yourself up every time you make a mistake.

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