Stephen Richards

Quote from Stephen Richards

Don’t dare to dream big, just dream BIG!

Deepak Chopra The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life

Quote from Deepak Chopra, The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life

Be content not with your lot in life but with being here in the flow of life. The glories of creation are in your very cells; you are made of the same mindstuff as the angels, the stars, and god himself.

Cosmic Ordering: You can be successful Stephen Richards

Quote from Stephen Richards, Cosmic Ordering: You can be successful

All in good time is something Cosmic Ordering does not follow.

The Diary of a Country Priest

Quote from Georges Bernanos, The Diary of a Country Priest

Satan is too hard a master. He would never command as did the Other with divine simplicity: ‘Do likewise.’ The devil will have no victims resemble him. He permits only a rough caricature, impotent, abject, which has to serve as food for eternal irony, the mordant irony of the depths.

Stephen Richards

Quote from Stephen Richards

Unless you know where you are going then you will not know how to get there.

Cosmic Ordering Guide Stephen Richards

Quote from Stephen Richards, Cosmic Ordering Guide

With Cosmic Ordering, the best days of your life are always ahead of you.

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Quote from Janvier Chouteu-Chando, Flash of the Sun

A yesterday missed can never be found even in a fine tomorrow.

Cosmic Ordering: You can be successful Stephen Richards

Quote from Stephen Richards, Cosmic Ordering: You can be successful

Time is a great teacher, but Cosmic Ordering is a great provider.

Peter Kreeft

Quote from Peter Kreeft, Jesus-Shock

The connection between art and Christ is like the connection between sunlight and the sun. It is, in fact, the connection between Sonlight and the Son.

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Quote from Eugene H. Peterson

It is not easy to convey a sense of wonder, let alone resurrection wonder, to another. It’s the very nature of wonder to catch us off guard, to circumvent expectations and assumptions. Wonder can’t be packaged, and it can’t be worked up. It requires some sense of being there and some sense of engagement.

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