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Quote from Francis A. Schaeffer, Art & the Bible

The ancients were afraid that if they went to the end of the earth they would fall off and be consumed by dragons. But once we understand that Christianity is true to what is there, true to the ultimate environment – the infinite, personal God who is really there – then our minds are freed. We can pursue any question and can be sure that we will not fall off the end of the earth.

The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There's Life After Death

Quote from Annie Kagan, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There’s Life After Death

How noble is the journey of each human being, from Divine to dust and back again. How brave to enter a body and dance the dance of existence only to lose everything imagined to be true in the moment of death.

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Quote from Grace Sara, Awakening in the 21st Century: Surviving a Spiritually Dormant Society

Surrendering is not giving up–it is gaining strength.

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Quote from Grace Sara

If you take society’s definition of knowing oneself, you will become lost in the many translations.

Stephen Richards

Quote from Stephen Richards

While amidst the crowd and seeking quieteness in another zone you can still get away from them by homing in on matters within.

Walt Whitman

Quote from Walt Whitman

Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.

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Quote from Gillian Duce, Demons and Dangers: Magic and Mayhem – Book 4

To live with regret is to deny one’s life of living.


Quote from Osho

With me, illusions are bound to be shattered. I am here to shatter all illusions. Yes, it will irritate you, it will annoy you – that’s my way of functioning and working. I will sabotage you from your very roots! Unless you are totally destroyed as a mind, there is no hope for you.

Stephen Richards

Quote from Stephen Richards, Cosmic Ordering Connection: Change your life within minutes!

On the road to success some will always expect tragedy … ditch your doubts and experience success with Cosmic Ordering.

The Varieties of Religious Experience William James

Quote from William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience

It does not follow, because our ancestors made so many errors of fact and mixed them with their religion, that we should therefore leave off being religious at all. By being religious we establish ourselves in possession of ultimate reality at the only points at which reality is given us to guard. Our responsible concern is with our private destiny, after all.

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